Respectful, caring school environment anti-bullying
2013-03-10 00:00:00

Respectful, caring school environment for all


We should be trying to encourage and promote a school evironment where each individual is respected, seen as valuable and feels cared for.

Bullying is found in society in many forms and guises. The manner in which we speak to each other, the physical hurting and harming of others, ignoring or being rude to others.

These tendencies we see around us all the time as people interact with each other: when out shopping, observing children on the playground and even in the classroom.

We should try to encourage a NO PUT DOWN ZONE in our classrooms, where the hurting of others; verbally, physically or emotionally is discouraged.

Brain studies have shown it is more beneficial to focus on the posiitive rather than on the negative, instead of an Anti-bullying Campaign at school, focus on the positive, such as "A Caring School" or "Our Respectful Campaign".

Dr Karl Menninger stated that "What is done to children, they will do to society". Let's teach our children values and norms we want to see in them as adults one day.

Another aspect is to have a school reporting system where unacceptable behaviour is reported.

What about a 'CARING EYES' campaign where children a encouraged to look out for each other, defend and respect each other.

The majority of children have cellphones at school, and so the pupils can report unacceptable behaviour to an anonymous cell phone number.

Posters around the school could say:

caring eyes.png

Note to parents:

We have started a help line. If your child sees someone being bullied (he is a witness) or if he is being bullied (he is a victim), an anonymous message should be sent to the following cell. no. __________ . The message will be followed up by a member of staff.

Information to include in the message:

  • Names of all the children involved - bullies and victims
  • What briefly happened?
  • Where it happened?
  • Date of happening.

Pupils, teachers and parents could be asked to commit to and sign a pledge each term or once a year, promoting respectful and positive behaviour.

For example:

School's Name


Everybody has the right to enjoy school and to feel safe

Everybody has the right to be treated with respect.

Everybody has the responsibility to treat others with respect.

Bullying is any behaviour that causes pain and unhappiness to another person. It includes name calling, making fun of, laughing at and excluding someone; pushing, shoving and hitting are also types of bullying behaviour. Bullying is never an acceptable form of behaviour.

  • We will be in partnership with the pupils and parents to encourage positive behaviour.
  • We will encourage our pupils to be respectful to all class members, school members and parents.
  • Being considerate, polite and well mannered to all those they come into contact with.
  • Be good role models for our learners.
  • Assist our pupils to uphold the pledge.

Signed by the class teacher and specialist teachers that teach that child.

School's Name


Everybody has the right to enjoy school and to feel safe

Everybody has the right to be treated with respect.

Everybody has the responsibility to treat others with respect.

Bullying is any behaviour that causes pain and unhappiness to another person. It includes name calling, making fun of, laughing at and excluding someone; pushing, shoving and hitting are also types of bullying behaviour. Bullying is never an acceptable form of behaviour.

  • We will be in partnership with the school to encourage positive behaviour.
  • We will encourage our children to be respectful to all class and school members, and teachers and staff members.
  • Being considerate, polite and well mannered to all those they come into contact with.
  • Be good role models for our children.
  • Assist our children to uphold the pledge.

Signed by parents and guardians

School's Name


Everybody has the right to enjoy school and to feel safe

Everybody has the right to be treated with respect.

Everybody has the responsibility to treat others with respect.

Bullying is any behaviour that causes pain and unhappiness to another person. It includes name calling, making fun of, laughing at and excluding someone; pushing, shoving and hitting are also types of bullying behaviour. Bullying is never an acceptable form of behaviour.

  • I will respect and care for myself, other pupils, teachers and other adults.
  • I will be tolerant and friendly towards others.
  • I will be considerate, polite and well mannered to all other people, at school and on the sports field.
  • I will be brave enough to recognise and report bullying;
  • I know that bullying is unacceptable and has consequences.

Signed by the pupil him and herself

As teachers we should set the example.

We also need to encourage appropriate behavior in all situations at school and when out and about, by all learners.